Harry Fox James

Harry Fox James
Harry Fox James


My name is Harry "Fox" James and before you ask, what with the middle name, here is the story: I am a vet and during the war against terrorism they used to call me the Fox because I was a reliable brother in arms, especially at night patrols. Also I took great pains watching my tail, you see. That is why I survived, even without much injury. Except from a little shell wound that still aches once in a while.


Another Night in Paradise


A remark on "Another Night in Paradise


Harry has trusted me with his Thai blogs and diaries for publication as I see fit, following the Nang accident he did not feel like going through the efforts of arranging editing and publishing the stuff himself.


 Harry is a great narrator and I love his style, so I think it would be a crying shame not to let his readers in on his fabulous and sometimes ambidextrous life in "paradise".


Surely Harry isn't always politically correct, but he gives you truth and candour flavoured with bold humour.  For me personally his profound reasoning and pensive comments on life add a depth to the narrations that makes this book stand out among the numerous shallower recounts of the genre.


I am sure you will enjoy Harry's stories. For those of you who haven't heard of Harry before or would like to know a little more about him, I have added a short FAQ at the end of the book.


G. J. Fode, Phuket 2014


Life is journey, not destination.

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